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[BUGFIX] Don't create gitlab ci runs for merged security patches

Stefan Bürk requested to merge secrepo-1 into main

Merging patches are done in the main repository. Each merge emits a gerrit merge webhook request, which is used to send proper merge message to the slack core dev channel, and also pushes the merged commits to corresponding branches in main and security gitlab repositories and to the gerrit internal repository for the security project.

For security patches, which resides in the gerrit security project, gerrit adds the pushed merged commits to the corresponding changes as new patchset and marking them as merged. Gerrit does't distinguish between these merged pushes and normal change patchset pushes and thus emits a patch webhook event. This lead to creating patchset branches in the security gitlab repository and starting superflous pipeline runs, which had to be manually cancelled.

Gladly gerrit provides the uploader name, email and gerrit name of the account which created a change patchset. In case of the merged patch uploades this matches the security-ci account.

This change extends the GerritGitlabJob of the uploader and change owner informations along with a isUploadedBySecurityCI flag.

In case of security repository patch events from security-ci as uploader, this will be handled as merged push events and thus gracefully skipped with a corresponding log entry.

Merge request reports